+61499 406 036 allira@tonicpr.com.au

A database is gold! Advertising or posting on social to find your ideal customer is often a little like casting a fishing net out into the water and hoping for the best 🤞.

But, if you can convince a potential customer to sign up to your database, you have a direct way of communicating with them. You can get to know them a little better through their data and tailor your offering to them. It’s like fishing in a small fish tank.

But, we’re not handing over our dets that easily anymore. Brands have to work for it a little. Your website is a great source to capture potential customers. So, when someone comes to your website, how can you persuade them to give you their information?

💻 Website pop up: don’t bury your sign up in the website footer, have it pop up after a few seconds for all new users.
🏆 Run a giveaway or contest: who doesn’t want to win something? To go into the competition users are required to provide name and email on a landing page.
📚 Give something away: it could be an incredibly useful template to help them do their job better; a recipe card or a how to guide; an entree or drink with meal if you’re a restaurant; or 30 minute consultation if you’re a service based business. Make it compelling.

And watch that list grow!