
Working with influencers? There’s a new code of practice in town
The influencer industry is stepping up its game! Yes, The Australian Influencer Marketing Council (AIMCO) released its first ever Influencer Marketing Code of Practice last week. We see this as a...
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The importance of quality content
Content. We do bang on about the importance of content, but it really is SO damn important. So, how can you create the right content and where should you be posting? ⭐Where is your audience?...
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Thinking about getting media training?
Are you looking to boost your profile or to get the word out about a new product or business, but afraid to talk to the media? Media training can help you develop the skills to get your message...
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Is IGTV worth it?
We are sure you have probably asked yourself is IGTV worth it for your business. And short answer, yes, it is. 😊 Some of the perks of IGTV include: 📸 Video is the future and you can...
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Your guide to memes, gifs and emojis 😘
Get onboard the epic meme, gif, or emojis on social and email marketing! Channels like Facebook and Instagram are visual storyboards and, when used correctly, these little rippers can take your...
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