+61499 406 036 allira@tonicpr.com.au
Google Analytic metrics to check weekly

Google Analytic metrics to check weekly

What Google Analytics metrics should I check and how often? With so many options in the dashboard, it can be a little overwhelming. Here are the metrics you should be measuring on a weekly basis: Social Sources Where to find it: Acquisition > Social How is your...
Working with (the right) influencers

Working with (the right) influencers

Working with (the right) influencers is a great way to raise awareness of your brand among your target audience. For this to be successful, you have to work with the RIGHT influencers, and this is where the challenge begins. Here are a few things to look out for. Is...
How to grow your database

How to grow your database

A database is gold! Advertising or posting on social to find your ideal customer is often a little like casting a fishing net out into the water and hoping for the best 🤞. But, if you can convince a potential customer to sign up to your database, you have a...
How to track influencer campaigns

How to track influencer campaigns

Influencer marketing uses ‘influencers’ as vehicles to share your brand with their audience. By finding an influencer that fits your brand you can introduce your product or service to a whole new audience. It is the modern-day version of recommending...