+61499 406 036 allira@tonicpr.com.au
Email marketing checklist

Email marketing checklist

When we say email marketing, do you think about how you hate all the pesky emails you receive and promptly delete? We get it, there are a lot of crap email newsletters flooding inboxes by the minute. But, you know what? Email remains the most successful direct...
The key to success when working from home

The key to success when working from home

Like everyone else, we’ve all been working from home the last couple of weeks. Here is what we are finding is the key to success WFH. 🖥 Designate your new work spot and customise it. Having a consistent room, spot, desk, or chair that you go to every day to...
Take your Instagram bio from zero to hero

Take your Instagram bio from zero to hero

Guys, we need to talk about your Instagram bios. They may be a small piece of real estate, but they make a serious impact. Go through our checklist below and compare your page to see where you can optimise your bio. 1. Your profile icon is your business logo Seems...